Latest news
Social medias and business
Why is it better for your company to hire journalists to develop social media content? Because these professionals are specialized in writing for audiences of different profiles. For example, when writing for a neighbourhood newspaper. The journalist understands that the language and the content must be directed, mainly, to the people who live in that …
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What is spontaneous media?
One of the goals of the press office is spontaneous media generation. But it is common for non-sector people to ask, “What does that mean?” Nowadays, with the Internet and sponsored publications, there may be confusion about the difference between press office with advertising agency work. They are two distinct and complementary works. In the …
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Story Sellers
A press officer is also a story seller. The difference from a product or service´s salesperson is that, in the case of the press officer, the challenge for great results is knowing how to: filter, format and tell “stories” that may, in fact, be relevant to channels, and can be useful to their readers. For …
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Corporative Solutions
Content Creation
Extremely important in the digital age, the content generation impacts on business development, promotes authority and strengthens brands, in addition to contribute the company´s ranking in digital media. From strategic content for digital marketing actions, through editorial projects, social media to scripts for videos, it is important that the language is aligned with the company’s …
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Digital Media
Digital marketing has become an important investment for companies and a relevant source of research for consumers. Content plays a key role in this process. With proper language for each product, service, target audience and channel and with a focus on metrics, Rotas Comunicação develops and manages Brazilian content for social media such as Facebook, …
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News Tracking
Owners, directors, managers and companies´ executives who are interested on Brazilian market promotion need constant information related to their work area, to their business and to competitors in the country with the goal of being updated constantly about market, culture and trends. With a modern software alined to the knowledge of the clients´s needs, Rotas …
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Press relations
With thousands spontaneous publications generated for its customers, and with more than 20 years of experience in corporate communication, Rotas Comunicação is a reference in Brazilian press relations services for offering a personalized look to each company with exclusive strategies and great results in digital and printed media. Rotas Comunicação offers press relations plans designed …
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